Monday, February 9, 2009

We survived!

I took my oldest daughter with me to NYCC on Saturday. I had a great time. Not sure if she did though.

Some highlights included:
- Seeing Robert Culp and William Katt signing autographs. It was neat seeing Robert Culp; that jaw of his looks amazingly strong.
- Seeing Lou Ferrigno signing autographs.
- Spotting Dan Didio mugging for photos at the DC booth.
- Chatting briefly with Colleen Doran as she encouraged my daughter not to be shy and to check out her drawing books.
- Seeing the DCUO and Champions Online demos. I even got Champions Online beta code so now I can try it out. Unfortunately my video card isn't up to snuff so I'll have to be patient and try again later.
- Picking up a copy of Jersey Gods from author Glen Brunswick. It's a hoot! I'm looking forward to the next issue!
- Seeing Peter David absent from his table in Artist Alley, but his daughter picking up the slack by offering up her own drawings for sale.

I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting. I would've stayed until closing but my daughter was overwhelmed by the crowds and the scale, and the lousy parking lot where we left our car claimed to be closing at 7:00. Ah well...

More as I remember...

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