Thursday, October 2, 2008

Lemons into Lemonade

I was just over at Newsarama, reading about Sean McKeever's plans for the upcoming Terror Titans series. I've been a bit turned off by the violent turns in recent Teen Titans storylines (not that I've been picking them up, to be honest... I've been reading them when they show up at my local Borders!). Even though the artwork looks pretty good, my days of picking up a comic because it looks good (even though the story is yucky) ended a long time ago. They're just too expensive!

But I was looking at the cover art and wondering if a team like this will appear in the upcoming DCU MMO or in City of Heroes, especially with the upcoming Mission Architect release.

The closest I've seen to a COH villain team was in one of their promotional ads for Issue 8.

Which is why the upcoming Mission Architect seems so interesting. With it, I can create my own adventures and, possibly, my own adversaries. Right now the specifics on the Mission Architect are a little vague, but it looks like I might be able to manipulate mission adversaries to make them a bit less generic; how much manipulation is possible hasn't been revealed but it's got me speculating and planning. Maybe I'll be able to create my own "Terror Titans" to share with other players.

It'd be kind of nice to use a comic I don't read as the basis for something I'd want to play and share with other people.

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